
Java is one of the most popular and widely used programming languages. It is used to build applications and platforms for a number of devices which includes computers, gaming consoles, smartphones Etc. Whether it's a desktop, mobile or a card, Java Applications are present everywhere and so are Java programmers. More than 9 million developers use Java and more than 4 billion electronic devices run on Java. So, it's a high time to be a Java Developer.

This course will help you to be a complete Java Developer.

Topics Covered

Basics,Variables, Data Types, I/O, Operators, If, If-else,Switch case, Loops(For, While, Do while), continue, break,Arrays, Strings (StringBuffer and StringBuilder) Functions / Methods,OOPs Concepts, Classes, Objects, Inheritance, Abstraction ,Encapsulation, Polymorphism, keywords like (static, final, this, super) ,Packages, Type Casting, Wrapper Classes, and Java Generics.

Exception Handling,Java Collections,ArrayList, HashMap, HashSet,TreeMap, LinkedList, Stack, Queue, Enumerations and Annotations, Regular Expressions, Streams, File Handling & Java I/O Concurrency & Threads in Java, JDBC

Intro to MySQL, Java Database Connectivity with MySQL, Related examples

Java Networking (Socket) Programming,Java Reflection

Java Swing,JavaFX

Minor Project 1 --Chat Application - Using Socket Programming, Swing (for UI), etc.

Minor Project 2 --Library Management System - Using MySQL, Swing (for UI), etc.

LAMDA Expressions, Streams APIs

New Features of Java 9, 11 & 12

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